
There has always been a distinction between tax avoidance and tax evasion…

There has always been a distinction between tax avoidance and tax evasion. Tax evasion is the illegal evasion of tax by deliberately misrepresenting their true affairs to the tax authorities, usually either by dishonestly understating or omitting income or by overstating or inventing expenses. In comparison, tax avoidance is reducing the amount of tax that … Continue reading There has always been a distinction between tax avoidance and tax evasion…

Access to Taxpayers Bank Accounts by the Tax Office

Following considerable concerns expressed by the profession and other bodies representing taxpayers concerning the proposals to allow the tax office to raid taxpayers’ bank accounts, the government has recently announced significant safeguards in these proposals. Whilst these do not answer all of the concerns, they will provide additional protection to the taxpayer. The proposed modifications … Continue reading Access to Taxpayers Bank Accounts by the Tax Office

The Autumn Statement & What it means for you

The Chancellor held his 2014 Autumn Statement on Wednesday 3rd December. There were a number of measures announced, many of which may affect you. The most headline-catching announcement was the change made from 4th December to Stamp Duty on residential property sales. Previously, the rate at which stamp duty was levied on a sale depended … Continue reading The Autumn Statement & What it means for you