Budget Changes – Income Tax

Following last month’s budget it is, for most people, a case of no change despite several rumours circulating in the previous weeks. The main contents with regard to Income Tax were as follows:

Tax Rates

Income Tax rates are unchanged for 2018/19 as follows:

Basic Rate 20%

Higher Rate 40%

Additional Rate 45%

Similarly, the rate of tax on dividends is unchanged as follows:

Dividend Ordinary Rate 7.5%

Dividend Upper Rate 32.5%

Dividend Additional Rate 38.1%

Tax Allowances and Bands

There are some movements, including one that will decrease, in the tax allowances and the tax bands which are subjected to the above rates. For 2018/19 the allowances and tax bands are as follows:

Personal Allowance £11,850 (previously £11,500)

Basic Rate Limit £34,500 (previously £33,500)

Higher Rate Limit £150,000 (unchanged)

Tax Free Dividend Allowance £2,000 (previously £5,000)

Tax Free Savings Allowance £1,000 (unchanged)

As at present, the Personal Allowance will decrease by £1 for every £2 by which net relevant earnings, basically earnings before deducting the personal allowance, exceeds £100,000.

Savings Allowaces

The majority of incentives available for savings remain unchanged. The two affecting most people are:

  • ISA’s Subscription limit unchanged at £20,000
  • Pensions The Lifetime Allowance increases to £1,030,000 from £1m